Hilary Borg is a registered tied insurance intermediary. Since its formation in 1984 by Mr. Anthony Borg, and later taken up by his son Mr. Hilary Borg, A&H Borg has focused in offering professional insurance advise supported by decades of experience. Our office offers a fast and proficient service to its clients
Finding the right insurance can be quite a cumbersome process for you on your own, but with our experience and ability, we can provide personal service and impartial advice. We offer an extensive range of insurance services including motor, home, business, health, travel, personal accident, professional indemnity and free towing services with all motor policies
With so many companies around in the Maltese market, and through comparison of other insurance quotes, you will find that our prices are very competitive. Moreover our insurance packages are accompanied with various additional cover most of which at no extra cost which make our product superior to competitors.